Patient Rights:
Your health and well-being depend on a collaborative relationship between you and your physician. In our office, your dignity and rights as a patient will be respected regardless of your gender, sexual orientation, religion, economic status, source of payment, and cultural background/national origin.
Specifically, our patients have the Right to:
- Considerate and respectful care provided by competent personnel
- Every consideration of privacy during examination and treatment, and confidentiality during case discussion or consultation
- Receive sufficient information about available procedures or treatments, associated risks and benefits of each, probable length of recovery, alternative procedures or treatments, and estimated costs of procedures or treatments to make an informed decision about care
- Receive relevant, current, understandable information about diagnosis, proposed care and treatment, and likely prognosis
- Refuse care and treatment and understand probable risks or consequences of refusal
- Prompt and reasonable response to questions or concerns
- Bring a companion to patient-accessible areas in the office during examination or treatment
- Have an Advance Directive or designate a surrogate decision maker and have such Directive included in the clinical record
- Consent to or decline participation in clinical research or experimentation
- Know about business or financial relationships that could influence recommendations for care and treatment
- Review clinical records and information pertaining to care and treatment, and have the information explained in a way that is understandable
- Know the name, function, and qualifications of those providing clinical services
- Express grievances without reprisal and know the process to express a grievance
- A readily-available language interpreter
- Receive care in an environment free from all forms of abuse, harassment, and exploitation
Patient Responsibilities:
The collaborative relationship between you and your physician requires your active participation in decisions about your care and your fulfilling certain responsibilities.
Specifically, we ask our patients to assume Responsibility to:
- Provide accurate and complete information about symptoms, past and current illnesses, past hospitalizations, allergies, current medications (including herbal remedies and non-prescription medications), and any other information that affects your health
- Understand or ask questions about proposed procedures or treatments
- Participate in decisions about care and proposed procedures or treatments
- Keep scheduled appointments or cancel appointments in advance
- Report unexpected changes in condition or health status
- Follow the recommended plan of care or accept accountability for not following the plan of care
- Tell us if there is a problem with care received or our policies affecting care
- Provide a copy of any Advance Directive that could affect care
- Accept financial responsibility for costs not covered by insurance
- Demonstrate courtesy and respect toward staff and other patients